Fees, Charges & Policies
This Complaints and Appeals Policy and related procedure are designed to ensure that Building Skills Centre responds effectively to individual cases of dissatisfaction. This policy outlines Building Skills Centre’s approach to managing complaints and appeals and ensures that all clients, students, staff and other stakeholders are aware of the steps to take to have their dissatisfaction addressed appropriately.
This policy provides an avenue for all complaints and appeals to be addressed in a fair, efficient and confidential manner.
Complaint – a person’s expression of dissatisfaction with any service provided by Building Skills Centre.
Appeal – a request to review a decision that has previously been made.
This policy applies to all students, prospective students, clients, staff and other stakeholders of Building Skills Centre.
- Complaints and appeals systems
- Despite all efforts of Building Skills Centre to provide satisfactory services to its students, clients, and other persons, complaints and appeals may occasionally arise requiring formal resolution.
- Building Skills Centre is committed to developing and maintaining an effective, timely, fair and equitable complaints and appeals system which is easily accessible and offered to complainants at no charge. Building Skills Centre aims to:
- develop a culture that views complaints and appeals as an opportunity to improve the organisation and how it works;
- set in place a complaints and appeals handling system that is client focused and helps Building Skills Centre to prevent events that cause complaints and appeals from recurring;
- ensure that any complaints and appeals are resolved promptly, objectively, with sensitivity and in complete confidentiality;
- ensure that the views of each complainant and respondent are respected and that any party to a complaint or appeal is not discriminated against nor victimized;
- ensure that there is a consistent response to complaints and appeals.
- Students and clients are encouraged, wherever possible, to resolve concerns or difficulties directly with the person(s) concerned to deal with the issue before it becomes a formal complaint. Building Skills Centre’s trainers and administration team are available to assist students to resolve their issues at this level.
- Complaints and appeals may be made be in relation to any of Building Skills Centre’s services, activities and decisions such as:
- the application and enrolment process
- the quality of training and assessment provided
- training and assessment matters, including student progress, assessment and outcomes
- access to personal records
- decisions made by Building Skills Centre
- the way someone has been treated.
- All formal complaints and appeals and their outcomes will be recorded on the Complaints and Appeals Registers. In addition, the register will be regularly reviewed by management and used as an opportunity for improvement and reflection.
- All formal complaints and appeals will be responded to efficiently to ensure an effective resolution within a reasonable timeframe, usually 14 days or as soon as practicable. However in some cases, particularly if the matter is complex, the resolution may take longer.
- Where a student chooses to access this policy and procedure, Building Skills Centre will maintain the student’s enrolment while the complaints/appeals handling process is ongoing.
- There is no cost to access the complaints and appeals process with Building Skills Centre.
- A written record of all complaints and appeals handled under this policy and procedure and their outcomes shall be maintained for a period of at least five (5) years to allow all parties to the complaint or appeal appropriate access to these records.
- All records relating to complaints and appeals will be treated as confidential and will be covered by Building Skills Centre’s Information Privacy Policy.
- Making a complaint
- Formal complaints and appeals may be made in writing to the Director/s of Building Skills Centre. All parties are encouraged to approach matters with an open view and to attempt to resolve problems through discussion and conciliation.
- Complaints will be investigated by the Director/s or their delegate and a proposed resolution provided in writing within 14 days.
- Making an appeal of an assessment decision
- A request for an appeal of an assessment decision may be made in writing to the Director/s providing reasons why the assessment appeal is being made. Assessment appeals must be made within 30 days of the original assessment decision being made.
- In the case of an assessment appeal, an internal review of the assessment will occur. As part of this process, where deemed necessary, Building Skills Centre may appoint an independent, qualified assessor to review and make a decision on the assessment.
- Outcomes of an assessment appeal will be advised in writing within 21 days.
- Internal appeal
- Where a complainant is dissatisfied with the result or conduct of Building Skills Centre’s internal procedures for handling of a complaint, the student has the right to lodge an internal appeal of the decision. An appeal must be lodged within 30 days of the decision being made.
- An internal appeal will prompt the Directors to review the decision made in response to the original complaint. The complainant may be asked to provide further information by phone, in writing or in person.
- Building Skills Centre acknowledges the need for an appropriate independent party to mediate where an appropriate outcome cannot be reached internally. Additionally, the complainant may request that an independent party be included in the appeals process. Upon request or the decision by Building Skills Centre that this is required, Building Skills Centre will organise an independent mediator to be included in the appeals process at its own cost.
- The outcome of the internal appeal will be advised in writing within 21 days.
- External complaints and appeals
- Where the complainant remains dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaints and appeals process, the complainant can access an external complaints or appeals process at their own cost. Complainants must ensure they have accessed the internal processes first.
- Complainants have a number of external complaint or appeal options including:
- Apprenticeship Support Officers (education.vic.gov.au)
- Apprenticeship Support Networks (www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au)
- Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). (vrqa.vic.gov.au/complaints/tovrqa.htm). Note: The VRQA do not investigate complaints about refunds, apprenticeships or traineeships or personal disputes between students and trainers/assessors. The VRQA does investigate breaches of registration standards.>
- Building Skills Centre will provide complete cooperation with the organisation investigating the complaint/appeal and will be bound by the recommendations arising out of this process. The Directors will ensure that any recommendations made are implemented within 30 days of being notified of the recommendations.
CPC20 – Tuition Fees | |||||
Qualification | Yr | SCH(A) | Rate | Tuition fees | Concession (B, C) |
CPC33020 Certificate III in Bricklaying/Blocklaying |
1 | 360 | $ 3.00 | $1080.00 | $216.00 |
2 | 376 | $ 3.00 | $1128.00 | $225.60 | |
3 | 330 | $ 3.00 | $990.00 | $198.00 | |
Total | 1066 | – | $3198.00 | $639.60 | |
CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry |
1 | 422 | $ 3.00 | $1266.00 | $253.20 |
2 | 408 | $ 3.00 | $1224.00 | $244.80 | |
3 | 318 | $ 3.00 | $954.00 | $190.80 | |
Total | 1148 | – | $3444.00 | $688.80 | |
CPC31320 Certificate III in Wall & Floor Tiling |
1 | 346 | $ 3.00 | $1038.00 | $207.60 |
2 | 384 | $ 3.00 | $1152.00 | $230.40 | |
3 | 302 | $ 3.00 | $906.00 | $181.20 | |
Total | 1032 | – | $3096.00 | $619.20 | |
CPC31220 Certificate III in Wall & Ceiling lining |
1 | 358 | $ 3.00 | $1074.00 | $214.80 |
2 | 332 | $ 3.00 | $996.00 | $199.20 | |
3 | 431 | $ 3.00 | $1293.00 | $258.60 | |
Total | 1121 | – | $3363.00 | $672.60 | |
CPC30620 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating |
1 | 444 | $ 3.00 | $1332.00 | $266.40 |
2 | 402 | $ 3.00 | $1206.00 | $241.20 | |
3 | 316 | $ 3.00 | $948.00 | $189.60 | |
Total | 1162 | – | $3486.00 | $697.20 | |
(A) Indicative student contact hours.
(B) Only eligible for apprentices that provide a current Health Care, Pensioner Concession or Veteran’s Gold card at the time of enrollment. (C) Only eligible for apprentices of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent under the Indigenous Completions Initiative. |
The student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.
Fees are calculated for ‘Eligible Individuals’ under the Victorian Government’s Skills First VET Funding Contract. |
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide an understanding for the application of tuition fees for individuals enrolling into training with the Building Skills Centre.
Building Skills Centre does not charge fees in advance. Tuition fees are charged in arrears, annually in October. The tuition fees listed above are indicative for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd year apprentice for each qualification who completes all required units during the year.
We do not charge any further fees for materials or administration.
Qualification certificates and Statement of Attainments are issued at no charge to students (upon withdrawal, cancellation, transfer or prior to completing their qualification) provided all tuition fees pertaining to the units of competency on the Statement of Attainment or Certificate are paid up to date.
All fees are payable within 7 days of receipt of invoice.
Please be advised that all trade school fee invoices issued by Building Skills Centre will be addressed to the Employer directly.
A concession rate (20% of the full fee) will be applied to the tuition fees of an individual who, for any period during the calendar year, holds a current and valid
- i. Commonwealth Health Care Card; or
- ii. Pensioner Concession Card; or
- iii. Veteran’s Gold Card; or
- iv. An alternative card or concession eligibility criterion approved by the Minister for the purpose of these Guidelines. (for the purpose of this policy)
Concession rate for tuition is only valid up to the expiration date of the relevant concession card. If a new card for the follow year is not sighted by BSC then the tuition rate will be charged at full fee
An individual is eligible for the concession rate if they are a dependent spouse or dependent child of a card holder who holds a current and valid card as listed above.
Under the Indigenous Completions Initiative any individuals who self-identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent are eligible for concession rate tuition fees.
Building Skills Centre will consider granting a concession on the tuition contribution where it considers that collection in full would impose extreme hardship on an apprentice or employer.
A copy of proof of concession must be provided to Building Skills Centre at enrollment and will be retained on file. All fee concessions granted by Building Skills Centre must be reported to the Department of Education and Training.
Building Skills Centre will grant tuition fee waivers/exemptions in accordance with the Skills First Guidelines about Fees to the following individuals:
- Any individual who is from the Judy Lazarus Transition Centre who has written confirmation from the management of the Judy Lazarus Transition Centre stating the individual meets the requirements of fee waiver/exemption as they are an individual who is from the Judy Lazarus Transition Centre (as a prisoner within the meaning of the Corrections Act 1986.)
- Any individual who is required to undertake the course pursuant to a community based order made under the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 and who has written confirmation from the relevant Youth Justice Unit of Victorian Department of Justice and Regulation that the individual meets the requirements of fee waiver/exemption.
- Skills First Aboriginal Access fess waiver where the student self identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent and is reported as such in the Indigenous Status Identifier field of the Student Statistical report as in enrolling at any level
Building Skills Centre must sight and retain copies of all documentation demonstrating an individuals eligibility for the tuition fee waiver/exemption granted.
Building Skills Centre may apply a charge for any Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment conducted if the assessment is conducted at the request, or with consent of the student. A fee will be determined at the time of request in consideration of the application.
Refunds will be payable to students who withdraw from a course up until eight weeks after the commencement of training. Refunds will be full apart from an administration charge of $250.
Where Building Skills Centre cancels the enrollment or course at any time, fees will be refunded in full or pro-rata dependent on the training units completed. Where Building Skills Centre ceases to operate as an RTO at any time, fees will be refunded in full or pro-rata dependent on the training units completed.
All refund applications must be made in writing to the Office Manager via admin@buildingskillscentre.com.au or 63 Tucker st Breakwater, 3218.
Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
(Children and Young People)
Building Skills Centre is committed to child safety and wellbeing in accordance with the Child Safe Standards, being the compulsory minimum standards for all organisations in Victoria providing services to children under the age of 18 years.
Building Skills Centre delivers training to students which includes young people that are aged between 15 to 17 years old.
Building Skills Centre has a zero tolerance for child abuse, racism, discrimination, and all forms of harm to children.
Building Skills Centre is committed to:
- the safety, participation and empowerment of all students, including children/young people
- the creation and ongoing improvement of child safe policies and procedures
- taking all reasonable steps for thorough recruitment, including the requirement for prospective staff members to provide Building Skills Centre with a Working with Children Check (WWCC)
- ongoing training and educating for staff members, contractors and volunteers on the child safe standards, reportable conduct and child abuse risks
- preventing child abuse by identifying risks early, and removing and reducing these risks
- risk management plans consider risks posed by organisational settings, activities, and the physical and online environments
- observing reporting requirements and disciplinary procedures
- timely reporting of concerns about a child’s safety to relevant authorities
- promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of students, including children, from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds
- promoting a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued
- Respecting the needs of children and young people with disabilities, children and young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, those who are unable to live at home, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex children LGBTIQA+ and young people
- the modelling of Child Safe Standards within Building Skills Centre management
- ensuring our physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing and minimise the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed
- the online environment is used in accordance with the organisation’s Code of Conduct and child safety and wellbeing policy and practices
- provides a process for Children and young people to report concerns
- 3rd Party organisations that deliver to BSC location sites only deal with Directors or Relevant onsite trainers ensuring the safety of children and young people.
Building Skills Centre ensures a clear, fair and transparent processes in responding to, and the reporting of, actual or suspected child abuse. This includes the establishment of:
- a procedure for the reporting of child abuse.
- Child Safety Reporting Officers
- a Child Safe Risk Register to provide a framework for assessing and minimising risks to children and
- a process to incorporate child safety specific controls to mitigate risk associated with potential child abuse
PP025 Complaints_Child Safety and Well Being Policy
PP025 Complaints_Child Safety and Wellbeing Procedure
PP025 How to report a complaint for Child Safety and Well being (2)
Child Safe Standards
PP025 Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy V2.1
PP025 CoC Child Safe Code of Conduct_V2.0
FS031 Child Safe Standards Incident-Report-Form writable
Translated resources about the Child Safe Standards.
Feedback and queries
If you would like to provide feedback or have a query regarding child safety and wellbeing at Building Skills Centre, please email us at:
Programs are delivered in partnership with Subcontractors. All certification documentation issued by Building Skills Centre is in accordance with Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) requirements.
Building Skills Centre currently works with Subcontractors to deliver training and assessment in specific VET programs
Building Skills Centre holds written agreements with the following Subcontractors,
Subcontractor Name: Colin McCahon Pty Ltd
Training and Assessment: CPC31320 Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling
Locations: Geelong, Ballarat and Warrnambool